Prize money of the tournament are in amount of the 40.000 CZK and material prizes and services in the value of at least 60.000 CZK.
Split of the prize money:
1st place - 15.000 CZK
2nd place - 10.000 CZK
3rd place - 5.000 CZK
4th – 5th place - 2.000 CZK
the best in the rating category under 2100 ELO - 2.000 CZK
the best in the rating category under 1900 ELO - 2.000 CZK
the best in the rating category under 1700 ELO – 2.000 CZK
(note: if the player has higher his national rating than his ELO rating, the national rating counts)
(note: the financial tax will be discounted from the prize money and transferred to the financial office according to the legislative of Czech Republic)
Material prizes and services:
in a complete value of at least 60.000 CZK
1x glass locomotive by the Ajeto Glassworks
1x champion’s jacket with the Chess Train 2015 logo
5x Kilometre Bank of Czech Railways (2,000 kilometres on a train for free)
1x whiskey tumblers and a carafe by the Crystal Bohemia Glassworks
3x voucher for 2 persons for a weekend stay in Prague, Karlovy Vary or Lipno (4* hotel)
3x voucher for 2 persons for a weekend stay in Harrachov (3* hotel)
1x Varta head lamp
1x Varta high capacity charger
3x EURO magazine subscription
1x ChessBase Mega Package
1x Opening Encyclopedia (DVD – ChessBase)
1x Komodo 9 (DVD- ChessBase)
1x Power Strategy 1 and 2 – training of GM Mihail Marin (DVD – ChessBase)
2x set of 3 books “Kasparov: Nelítostný boj” (Garry Kasparov on Modern Chess: Kasparov vs Karpov)
2x book “Kasparov: Moje šachová kariéra 1” (Garry Kasparov on Garry Kasparov, part 1)
2x book “Kaválek: Tilburg 1977”
2x book ”Konopka: Magické pozice” (Magical Positions)
2x book “Navara: Můj šachový svět” (My Chess World)
2x book “Matouš, Houser: Černobílá cesta” (Black and White Route)
5x book “Tichý mat”
5x book “Silent Checkmate – Chess in cartoons”