Prague was said to be the threshold between East and West, the city of alchemists and astronomers (Tycho Brahe is buried in the church of Our Lady in front of the Tyn on the Old Town Square) under Emperor Rudolf II and also the city of chess players. In Prague was born the first world chess champion Wilhelm Steinitz (a memorial plaque at the Philosophical Faculty of Charles University reminds that), Prague hosted the chess Olympiade in 1931 and nowadays the best Czech chess player David Navara lives here.
Go along the Royal Route where the coronation processions passed, from the Art Nouveau Municipal House, around the Astronomical Clock on Old Town Square, across the Charles Bridge and then through Neruda Street up to the castle. There, in the residence of Czech kings and now Czech president, you can explore the St. Vitus Cathedral, where the patron of Czech lands lies buried, see interesting exhibitions in the exhibition areas of the Castle and in particular, you need to fully enjoy one of the most beautiful views of Prague at all.
A memorial plaque with a relief portrait of the first world champion in chess Wilhelm Steinitz (* 1836 Prague, † 1900 New York) is located on the side wall of the Faculty of Arts of Charles University. Nearby, on the border of Jewish Ghetto and Old Town in a blind alley Goldrichova, there had been Steinitz´s native home.
The famous Old Town Astronomical Clock at Prague's Old Town Hall on the Old Town Square.
Cathedral of Saint Vitus is one of the finest Gothic cathedrals in the Central Europe. Inside the cathedral there are Czech crown jewels kept and locked by seven locks.