Vlastimil Chládek
ředitel Dopravních staveb Brno
U Pásků
Michal Špaček
Amatérský šachista, profesionální ekonom
Z Trenčína do Prahy
Luděk Sedlák
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Otakar Válek
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Robert Cvek
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Mistrovství České republiky z pohledu trenéra
Pavel Matocha
předseda Pražské šachové společnosti
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Soňa Pertlová
šachová mezinárodní mistryně
PF 2011
The most beautiful studies and problems of Mario Matouš, the best Czech chess composer of the 20th century, and bizarre chess stories of Pavel Houser connected by illustrations of Kristina Peřichová into one splendid book.
The book was published also in limited numbered edition (100 copies), bound in imitation leather with an embossed diagram, paper cover and sewn ribbon bookmark.
On 240 pages you will found 45 studies and problems, 22 stories and 36 illustrations. The book is supplemented by biographies of both of the authors and several yet non-published photos. The book was published by Prague chess society in 2014.
(limited edition in imitation leather - 999 CZK + postage)
333,- Kč (+ postage)
The book can be ordered at an e-mail address pavel.matocha@gmail.com. Please give your full name, address and phone number.
[14.10.2019 00:00:00] - German Grandmaster Michael Prusikin´s smooth ride continues on the third day, after seven rounds he still has a faultless score. This year's Chess Train also rides confidently through the countryside in wonderful weather.
Second place is shared by Lumir Mrazek, Ladislav Langner, Bram Van Den Berg and Matias Jolowicz (6,5 points). In the team competition, Team Bavaria (16.5 points) leads closely before Silesia Team (16 points) and Team Schaakhuis (14 points). Czech Railways (13.5 points) and the Ministry of Transport (12.5 points) follow. There are four rounds left until the end of the tournament.
GM Michael Prusikin runs through the tournament like a warm knife through butter.
Warm weather under a cloudless sky greeted us in Cesky Krumlov, even in mid-October full of tourists. Beautifully restored houses in the historic center, surrounded by the winding Vltava river, are a charming and colorful backdrop for walks. Unfortunately, the gastronomy in the city is not great, in many places you can only expect overpriced and low quality food.
On Sunday, the Chess Train crossed to Moravia.
Water continued to flow downstream, and tourists continued to fill the historical center. Český Krumlov in mid-October.
| Pavel Matocha | visits(3792x)