General Partner

České dráhy, a.s.


EA Hotels
GO parking

mediální partner

Lidové noviny
Šachový týdeník
Untitled Document

prize fund

Chess Train 2019

Prize money of the tournament is in the amount of the CZK 40.000 (1.600 Eur) and material prizes and services in the value of at least CZK 60.000 (2.400 Eur).

Division of the prize money:
1st place - CZK 15.000
2nd place - CZK 10.000
3rd place - CZK 5.000
4th – 5th place - CZK 2.000

the best in the rating category under 2100 ELO - CZK 2.000
the best in the rating category under 1900 ELO - CZK 2.000
the best in the rating category under 1700 ELO – CZK 2.000

(Note: if the national ranking of the player is higher than his/her ELO rating, the national rating counts)
(Note: the financial tax will be deducted from the prize money and transferred to the financial office according to the legislative of the Czech Republic)

Material prizes and services:
- Glass locomotive – winner’s trophy
- EA Hotels accommodation vouchers (Prague, Karlovy Vary)
- 15-day Go Parking vouchers for parking at the Prague Airport
- Large chess-king shaped glass carafe
- Royal Capital City of Prague bronze commemorative coins
- ChessBase DVD
- ChessBase 15 – Mega Package
- Megadatabase 2019
- Opening Encyclopedia 2019
- Vlastimil Hort: Facing the World Champions
- Adrian Mikhalchishin: How Bobby Fischer battled the Sicilian
- Mihail Marin: English Love – A complete repertoire for White after 1.c4
- Simon Williams: The London System with 2.Bf4
- Yannick Pelletier: Anti-London System
- Komodo 13
- Fritz 16
- Varta AA battery charger
- Varta power pack
- Varta LED flashlight
- Brilliant pocket flashlight
- Chládek, Sosonko: Vůně duše (book)
- Chládek: Poděkování andělům (book)
- Silent CheckMate – Chess in Cartoons (book)
- Contemporary Irish Music CD by Jitka Malczyk and Vojtěch Jindra
- Small functional travel towel
- Babolat bath towel

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